Who is driving demand?
Looking at the EYCI (Eastern Young Cattle Indicator) it’s a refreshing sight to see a positive gradient, after what has been a long downward slide. The 4th quarter rally seen in prices bought with it a record number of throughput, as producers looked to cash in on the price rally. Despite the sudden influx of […]
What do steady lamb markings mean for 2024?
The Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) Sheep Producers Intentions Survey for October was released back in November. There was little fanfare, but this is one of the important data points to gauge supply heading into the new year. A majority of the lambs born in Australia hit the ground in […]
Good yields after a challenging year
The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) released its December crop report late last year. Changes from the September estimates were relatively minor, but there were still a few surprises, and the market appears to be showing the impacts somewhat. The ABARES Crop Report is the main official update on Australian […]
South African merino values matching or exceeding our own?
South Africa is one of the main southern hemisphere merino exporters contributing to the merino supply available to the greasy wool supply chain. In this article, we compare the annual average South African and Australian merino prices, adjusted for point of micron. The South African merino clip varies in terms of quality (read here) by […]