Price unshaken by an influx at the yards

It was a steady week for lamb prices, despite an impressive jump in yardings last week, supply seems to be matching demand. Mutton prices made a move upwards however, particularly in Victoria where the market was generally stronger. Lamb returned to yards in leaps and bounds in the week ending the 5th of February 2021. […]
WASDE focus on demand

Much of the news this week has centred around the USDA’s World Agricultural Supply & Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. Pre-report, much of the money was on tightening stocks amidst on-going Chinese demand. As with many of the USDA reports, you should never count your chickens before they hatch. You can read the summary of the […]
Females take centre stage

The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) continued to soften from its record highs of late January, with what appears to be a surge in supply from the north. Monsoon rains have been falling in QLD and with more forecast for the coming week, this may have initiated producers to get cattle to sale while roads […]
Wool market starting to look more & more positive

The wool market had an air of confidence over it as this week’s sale built on the previous sound results. A large clearance and sound prices for the Merino component were the features. In Melbourne the market received a boost with AWEX reporting that a “substantial offering of Spinners/Best Style Tasmanian designated offering produced strong […]