US cold snap spikes CBOT wheat

Frosty wheat

Forecasts of unseasonally cold temperatures of -15C in some US states, carrying the potential to kill planted wheat crops; are bullish for the US wheat price. Traders have reacted strongly to this news, with US CBOT SRW wheat rallying 3.26% yesterday to $US 242/mt, before subsequently retreating 2% on the back of more moderate weather […]

Changes in vegetable matter and the impact on discounts

Sheep shearing in shed

With improved seasonal conditions come higher vegetable fault levels, as Mecardo assessed in January. This article takes a further look at vegetable fault in the Australian clip in relation to rainfall and then looks at discounts for higher VM medium Merino pieces. Most vegetable fault (VM) comes out of eastern Australia, more specifically the northern […]

Ten year lows confirmed for lamb and sheep slaughter

Flock of sheep in the paddock

The official sheep and lamb slaughter numbers are in. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) quarterly Livestock Products report was released on Wednesday, confirming the low slaughter rates which were widely expected. Halfway through last year the ABS changed their livestock slaughter reporting to quarterly rather than monthly. The monthly slaughter chart now has flat […]

Rebuild figure close, but not here yet.

Close up of two cattle in yards

Female slaughter was headed in the right direction for a cattle herd rebuild in quarter four of 2020, but it had yet to hit the magical 47 per cent mark. According to the latest official cattle slaughter report from ABS, the Female Slaughter Ratio (FSR) reached 48.2% for October through to December last year. A […]