Spring starting strong

To see finished lambs prices starting with a 9 (on a carcase weight basis) in spring is nothing short of impressive. While prices slipped across most categories of lamb this week, at these levels the sheepmeat demand story is very positive. Producers were motivated to get stock off the paddock and to the yards. Last […]
Heavy cattle continue sliding

A mixed result on the markets this week, with the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) falling back under the 1,000ȼ/kg mark, led by the key central QLD selling centres. Meanwhile Vealers surged forward but heavy cattle notched up a third consecutive week of falls. Supply continues to fall, roughly in line with the historical trend […]
The three C’s – Canada, Corn and Corrections

The Statistics Canada report the traders were holding their breath for turned into a bit of a fizzer. The report did at least acknowledge that this year’s crop has been decimated by drought and early heat, but the fact the numbers were well in line with most traders estimates, meant the market barely blinked. The […]
Weaker tone continues

The wool market was again showing a weaker tone across the week with buyer sentiment remaining subdued. AWEX noted that the final day there were “positive signs”, with Fremantle selling last showing an overall gain for the series. Across the week, the Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) gave up 18ȼ to settle at 1,332ȼ. The Australian […]