High protein hurdle ahead

Globally, wheats can be separated into three very broad end uses. The hard wheats tend to have good dough strength, good elasticity and high proteins (11.5 – 15%) making them ideal for pan breads (loaves), flat breads, steamed buns and noodles. The main Australian classes are APH, AH and APW grades. The US Hard Red […]
Mutton market mediocre

Mutton hasn’t been immune to the recent falls in the sheep and lamb market, generally operating at a level well below the five-year average since we turned into the new financial year. The National Mutton Indicator closed last week at 521¢/kg, which was a considerable (10%) jump on the week prior, but still 22% lower […]
Cattle on feed down against the trend

The quarterly cattle on feed survey is complete, and the numbers for June are out. There were some external factors which look like they made lotfeeders defy the usual trend, to post a decline in the mid year number of cattle on feed. The headline number of cattle on feed is still very strong. The […]
Non-mulesed wool in the Australian wool clip

Premiums for quality integrity scheme accredited wool have certainly been a highlight of the greasy wool market in the past year, at least for wool from South African, New Zealand and Australia. For Australia the key management consideration with regards to these schemes is the cessation of mulesing. This article takes a look at the […]