Australian merino non-mulesed and quality assurance scheme supplies
Pressure continues to flow upstream along the supply chain for sheep farmers to adopt, or really demonstrate adoption, of certain farm management processes which suits marketers of apparel currently. In Australia the key farm management change that the supply change is pushing for is the cessation of mulesing. With this in mind, this article looks […]
How did the lamb market get here?
The last peak in lamb prices was 22 months ago, since then the lamb price (NSW trade lamb) has fallen 54%, hovering around 450¢/kg cwt. The question is, how did we get here and what is the outlook? The answer is entangled in a number of supply and demand factors that have created a market […]
Wheat supply and price both trending lower
The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report was released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) last week, and while it had few surprises, it showed world wheat stocks continuing to dwindle. The WASDE is one of the most closely followed publications in world grain markets. The USDA are not always […]
Demand worse than in drought
Cattle slaughter continues to run hot, sitting way ahead of last year, and now above the five year average. Here we take a look at where slaughter sits in historical terms and how this is relating to prices at saleyard level. The latest data for cattle slaughter, for the week ending the sixth of October, […]