Regional Rainfall Update August 2021

Clouds in sky

Mecardo’s regional rainfall update for August 2021. Click here to view the latest update This report highlights: Current season’s monthly rainfall trend  Last season’s monthly rainfall trend  Average monthly trend over 50 years  70% range in monthly rainfall over last 50 years 95% range  Rainfall within the 70% range would be considered reflective of a […]

Supply and demand pushing export values

Cattle in Brazil

Just when we thought world beef markets had been as tight and disrupted as possible, Brazil pops up with a couple of cases of BSE. Today we look at beef exports, and export values, and see supply and demand converging to push prices to new records. August beef export data was released last week, and […]

Sourcing RWS wool from Australia

The Textile Exchange has done an excellent job in selling RWS to the downstream section of the supply chain, with demand popping up in Australia both within the auction system and without. This article takes a broad look at the supply challenges facing the supply chain in procuring RWS accredited wool in Australia. In addressing […]

Snakes and ladders for lamb and mutton

Sheep and lambs in yard

The lamb and sheep market is in an interesting space at the moment. Lamb prices are defying norms, even with a large lift in throughput in NSW and Victorian producers also sending plenty of numbers in. Mutton couldn’t hold it’s position for another week however, and prices slipped. The Eastern States Trade Lamb Indicator gained […]

Heavy cattle charge higher

Angus Cattle

The Australian cattle markets were upbeat this week with Heavy Steer prices surging ahead 9% to reach new records, and Medium Cow prices have kept rising, while the Eastern states Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) pushed back over the 1,000¢ mark again. Yardings and slaughter numbers both grew by similar proportions last week, both putting on […]

Let the harvest begin

Wheat field Australia

The focus shifted from global to local this week, 2021/22 harvest has begun in Central Queensland and we have new expectations for production with ABARES releasing their September crop update. The headline grabber is a record high winter crop acreage and yield estimates currently below last seasons. Wheat acreage estimates were increased by 1% to […]

A good bounce

Wool bales

With reports that significant export orders were secured before this week’s sale, the expectation was that the market would be stronger. This was in fact the outcome, with the market recovering the losses of last week with a strong bounce from the opening sales. The Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) added 29ȼ rising to settle at […]